Współpraca czy konflikt? O relacji między instytucją przedszkola a rodzicam


  • Rafał Fudala Uczelnia Państwowa im. Jana Grodka w Sanoku

Słowa kluczowe:

cooperation, kindergarden, conflict, partnership


The significant changeability of the surrounding reality forces all participants of the education process to be smooth and quick to react and change. Taking into the fact that education is less and less often treated as a process based on transmission, its structure should be built on dialogue, partnership and subjectivity. The concept around which the research presented in this article is designed is cooperation - a term that has been used very often in recent years both in the sphere related to education and the labor market, or in general interpersonal relations. The obligation of cooperation between educational institutions operating in Poland and the parents of pupils is enshrined in the education law. Teachers and directors are responsible for its implementation, often looking for a way to involve parents or legal guardians in the broadly understood process of educating their children. These activities have a different character, motivation and form, which I will try to demonstrate in the report on exploratory research carried out in two significantly different kindergartens (self-government and bnon-public).



Jak cytować

Fudala, R. (2021). Współpraca czy konflikt? O relacji między instytucją przedszkola a rodzicam. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Paedagogica, 13, 120–137. Pobrano z


